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Guest Book: Contact


Great web page! My mother, Beatrice (nee Kenney) Nairn taught school at Richmond Hill and boarded with the Charlie Diehl family. My sister was named after Rilda Diehl. Beatrice met Ivan Nairn at a school dance at Glencoe School and they were married in 1936 and farmed between Cypress River and Glenboro. Beatrice was related to the Christies. I remember visits to “Aunt Maggie” Christie’s in Cypress River as well as haircuts at Kleebaum’s Barber Shop and Billiards. Farm machine parts were purchased at Helgason and Arason if memory serves me correct. Remember dances at Cypress with the Gardiner’s Orchestra playing!

Bob Nairn

Hi – We  enjoyed so much our Coasters visit to Cypress River – especially the events sponsored including us in your celebrations. By the way, your web site is very nicely done. I had heard that you were planning to produce a video of the events of your anniversary and the car tour on the way from Winnipeg. Please let me know as I am interested in ordering these. Thanks again!

Barb & Willie Goertzen

hello one and all. just got back online so have not had the chance to thank everyone for your hospitality during my visit in Aug. enjoyed sharing the anniversary celebrations and meeting with relatives and people from my dads youth. hope the weather improved after i left and the crops got in ok. thanks again and a merry christmas to you all.

D Knight

(born to winney & john gibbs) my name is norma  I have 7 brothers and sisters Christina gorden [died] johnnie dick sharon me colin denise gibbs. We moved to Brandon Man. when I was 8 years old I still have fond memories of cypress too this day .bye for now

Norma and Victor Lemaire

my great great aunt emma marion mortimer married james reid in 1934 and lived for a while in cypress river.before returning to glenboro.. was wondering is there any pics/photos of this family.?

wendy mortimer

pls amend my email address..thks

kandyce carnegie-brothers

It’s been a long time since I have been back. Great to see the website.

Chris McQuay

Hello to Cypress River. Clancy & I are looking forward to the 125th Celebration. I was born in Cypress and left for Winnipeg –in 1960– so that is 50 years ago. How many of those students will be home for the weekend I wonder??? We lived in CR from 1967-1972and our boys have fond memories of visiting Grandpa Tom, goung to Sams cafe and the Meat Market! We now call Regina home but for me I still say home to Cypress River. CU in August.

Carlee Dreger (Kenyon)

I live in innisfail, Alberta  I am looking for my relatives as well. My dad was John Hutlet, Adopted by Thomas Hutlet and Evelyn

judy hutlet

Alf and Violet Palmer were my grandparents. Grandpa built the old Shell station on Highway 2 which is no longer there but replaced by a beautiful roadside park. I have fond memories of spending alot of summers in Cypress. I couldn’t wait for school to end to go and see everyone. Grandpa was the manager for the baseball team and many evenings were spent down at the ball park with him. I remember everytime someone went and got a foul ball, grandpa always made sure they got a quarter for it. Grandma did the Cypress River Newsletter and week after week she would spend hours in her basement putting it together, using the old handwind copier and then they next day running them all to the post office to be mailed! Who knew that so much happened in such a little town to have a newsletter every week!? Hope to come for the Homecoming!

Melodie Gordon

Hello Cypress River folks.. Last Sept. my husband (Ray) and myself visited your picturequeness town. We stopped at the local coffee shop and to my surprise it seemed as everyone in the shop were a “Young or related to Young’s. The Young’s orginal came from Blyth, Ontario, that is wher I was raised and now only 10 minutes away from Blyth. We visited the cemetry. We visited with Alan and Donna Lee, and David (Rocky). If you see these people mention to them that I was on this site. If you are Young or related just e-mail me. I’ve enjoyed surfing your site. Have a great time this summer with all your events.
Loved your community, similar to Blyth, Ontario. We are at Seaforth, Ontario

Barbara Storey (Young)

Checkin in

Chris Pearson

I’m searching for information on Oscar Josephson and Evelyn Carey/Josephson married in 1953, I am told that they lived in CR. Would appreciate any info, thank you.

Amy Smith

MY Grandfather, Earle Holmes was born here in 1892. Wonder if there are any holmes’ still around that might be a relative.

Kathleen Holmes

It IS the “best little town on the prairie”! It’s the people.

Lisa Clouston

Hi Folks, Was just watching Neil Young on tv in Nashville singing about your town…(Prarie Wind)…seems he has some fond memories….I’ll have to stop by next time down that way. Scott

Scott Mckenzie

mother born in cypress river 1931…marjory carnegie

kandyce carnegie-brothers

Check out Google Street to see a virtual tour of Cypress River!!

Valerie Verstraete

My dad was born in cypress river 1921 related to johnson sholdice families any relatives still living locally family moved to winnipeg after ww2 but aunt mert edited local paper into the 70s.

D Knight

Hi, I too saw a Neil Young special on tv and he sings of growing up in Cypress River, MB…I think you would have a geat deal more interest in your site…because of Neil YOung..I grew up with his songs in the 70s…I think he is a Canadian Treasure!! Be a proud Canadian and be proud that Neil grew up in your area…He truly is a local treasure!


Neil Young sings about when he was a boy on a farm in Cypress River MB. It would be a good thing if you had something about him on your web site.


hello first time here, family talks about this site so im here to take a look thank you

christopher young

Sorry it’s taken so long but we wanted to say what a wonderful time we had at the reunion! It was great to see the town and everybody (wow!). Thanks to everyone for making us feel so welcome. Even though it’s been a long time since the family moved from Cypress River, it still feels like home. This was Sharon’s 3rd time to Cypress River and she feels right at home there too. Thanks to Jim and Georgette for allowing me the honour of being one of this year’s judges for the pet show at the fair. I’ll add that to my résumé. Hi to the 8am coffee crew…and the 9am…and….

Phil Young

very interesting nice area im going to travel your way in 2010 looking forward to my visit in your community Gordon

gordon thompson

Thanks for putting that in for me. It was a terrific weekend and the people of Cypress should be proud of themselves to put on such a huge event. The weather was perfect -Friday was a bit on the cool side but Saturday was gorgeous. There were so many people that I talked to and renewed friendships with but there were so many others that I wish I could have seen – but just run out of time. I know that Diane & Ray also had a wonderful time and we are still talking about it. Just about everyday, Ray will call and say “Did you see ???”. This weekend will be long remembered by everyone. Please pass along our thanks to all the volunteers and committees that made it so special. Enjoy the rest of your summer !!

Raymond Diehl – Diane Diehl & Linda Thompson (Diehl)

Hello All, Just a note to say “Thank You” to the committee for all your hard work in making the School Reunion such a terrific event! It was especially memorable for my Mother (Evelyn Jones). She continues to relive and remeniscense the weekend with the 200+ pictures I took & gave to her to watch on disc. You are all to be congradulated on a very successful endeavour. Your hard work brought a great deal of pleasure to many! Sincerely, Doreen Stapleton

Doreen Stapleton

Found out my grandfather was from here, thought I would check it out. Glad you had a site.

Jeremy Ferrall

“WOW”!!! There is no better word to explain the “School Reunion Weekend”!!! It was wonderful and oh so well organized. Hats off to all the volunteers who worked so hard for so long, so that we would all have a wonderful weekend.”There is no place like home” is there? Thanks again.

Verna Lodge

To all the wonderful folks in the Best Little Town; thanks for an awesome homecoming. And Bon, Don and family… you know how to light up the night. Am so proud!

willene vertz

Well I am sure proud to have lived in Cypress River after the best weekend we have had in a while ,Don Johnson did a fabulous job with the fireworks and the rest of of all involved you should be proud

Herb Seaver

What a great weekend,What a fire works, Hats off to everybody involved in putting on the” Greatest show on earth You sure know how to do it. Great to see everyone and hope you can do it again in say 5 or 10 years.

john morrison

Great weekend as usual in Cypress River. Pat on the back to all who organized this weekend; also I’ve never seen such fantastic fireworks. Saw many old faces but unfortunately missed a few. Thanks again – what can we celebrate in five years??!!

Monique Hutlet-Toupin

I forgot to put in another Thank You to Rita Hyrich for lending me her coffee pot and toaster. Anyone who knows me, know that I cannot start my day without my coffee. We really appreciated your kindness. I owe you one Rita. Next time I am in Cypress, I will bring you some mushroom turnover. Thanks Darlene

Darlene Diehl

CONGRATULATIONS to the organizing committee for the 50th Reunion. It was the best. The fireworks were as good as the Calgary Stampede. It was great seeing so many people. Thank you to the the seniors lodge board for allowing us to stay at the lodge it was so nice and quiet. No rowdy people or parties. It was great. Hope to see you again soon. Thanks again. Darlene

Darlene Diehl

Many, many congrats to the planning committee for such a fabulous celebration. You all worked so hard and pulled off a great party that would have done any community, anywhere extremely proud. Cypress River, we had a fabulous time over the weekend – what can I say? Where do I start? The best part was seeing so many people we hadn’t seen for so long and you were all so friendly and made us feel so good and happy. Thank you all a million times for making us feel so welcome. To each person we spoke with, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendliness and evident pleasure in seeing us again, there were too many of you to name everyone individually, but I hope you know who you are, we were happy to reconnect with each one of you and if you are ever up our way, please give us a call and drop in for a meal or coffee or whatever. To those of you whom we knew before but didn’t get a chance to see, I’m sorry we missed you but the invitation to reconnect is extended to you as well. I have to say that all the young people from Miriam and Justine’s classes (grads of ’07 & ’09), you have all grown into, not only incredibly good looking young people, but also very, very nice, pleasant, polite & personable young men & women – go out there and make your marks on the world. When I met and spoke to the young people of Cypress River I was truly struck by their maturity and good attitudes, it made me feel hopeful for the future. The parents and community should be truly proud of all of them. With best wishes to all of you from Val, Tim, Miriam & Justine Bullen

Val Bullen

Plenty of good info here! I’ll sure pay a visit to your place. Great website.


Moved away b4 I could be in Mrs. Skoglund’s classroom. Am still wondering how I survived this long without knowing how to make a birdcage out of pipe cleaners! Happy celebrating!

Angela Bereti

I attended school in Cypress from K-Grade 4(1972-76)Pop sold farm to Lannoo & we moved west to Alberta.Have a lot of fond memories of school,teachers,Cypress & friends(BFF Doreen Sholdice,Barb S,Kelly & Shelley W,Brenda Y,Joe H,Todd K,David N,Kenny M.25 cents for grape juice powder-just add water!Cookies from Mrs.Dale.Field trips to Morden & Rivers.

Angela Bereti

Great site!


50 years: of the greatest little school on the prairie. I will always remember my time as a youngster in the Cypress River, Elementary years. I truly wish I could be there for the big celebration. Living in Victoria, BC makes it hard to come home at times like these. I will however be there in spirit and thought. All the best to everyone! on this very special occasion. Cypress River Elementary School for ever remembered.
Thomas Sigurdsson
Victoria, British Columbia
Formally of Cypress River

Thomas Sigurdsson

My father’s birth certificate shows he was born in Cypress River in 1902. I have not been able to trace any information about him or his family. His name was John Nevin-Taylor, his father also John Nevin-Taylor and his mother Margaret Mullen (maiden name). That was the reason for my visit to your website. It would have been nice to see some more photos. Thank you.

Susan Nevin-Taylor

been a lot of years, I haven’t registered because I can’t pin down a work schedule. Remember when the old gym burnt down?

Stacey Sigurdson

i just felt like signing the guest book since i used 2 live here before moving to the big city

michelle melvin

Thanks to Georgette Hutlet who expedited my request for help
with my ancestores There are three Garvie families that are very greatful

Cal Garvie

Hi there, I seeking contact with relatives of a Cypress River war hero named F/Sgt K.R.Wood. He was a reargunner of a Halifax bomber shotdown 26th June 1943 over Wanroij in the Netherlands. Looking forward to hear from you if you know him or have any info how can I contact the family of Wood.
Thanks for your time,

Adrian van Zantvoort

Looking forward to the BIG week-end. I believe all our family will be in town for the week-end – should be a great week-end for memories.

Marilyn (Arason) Elliot

Hi Everyone,
I am looking forward to the fun reunion. Sent in my registration late, so hope I get a seat! Thanks to everyone for all the work organizing this big event!

Joyce Rigaux

If I wudda stayed in Cypress River I wunt be in this here jail…..but I’m gunna make a break for it in July so yous guys better git ready. Auntie Dorothy…so can I stays wit you fer awhiles????

Phil Young

Sounds like a great weekend. Looking forward to it (just sent in my registration). Would be great to see the list of all those who are planning to attend.

Pat (Diehl) (Metcalf) Hay

You are doing a great job! Good for you guys and gals!

Doreen Delgaty and Guy Hutlet

How about some more stories from the old school days from more old students. Come on people you must remember something from school. Catch you in July.

John Morrison

Oh and for you folks that don’t know us Reykdals we (our folks..Cindy and mine)used to own the Cypress Solo Store back in the 70’s….where the prices we So Lo!

Curtis Reykdal

Hello Cypress…its been a long time, man 35 years sure flies by! See ya in July and I hoping my old buddies show up; Todd, Joe and Billy!!
P.S. Heather I had a crush on you when I was 6.
Curtis in Calgary

Curtis Reykdal

Hi to the best little town on the prairies. Looking forward to celebrations in July, great food, music, dancing, and fireworks!!

Willene Chewings Vertz

Hi everyone,looking forward to meeting everyone again after all this time. Where did it go? Remember, this reunion is for anyone who ever went to school in C.R.regardless of what year!!!

Bonnie (Chewings) Johnson

I’m hoping that we will be able to attend the reunion – still not sure of family’s work schedule. I’ve been trying to contact people, if someone could email us so we can discuss, that would be great! Hope to see you all.

Val Bullen

I am sending in I love the flower garden. I am mailing in our (for 2) registration form for all events-school reunion today- sorry I am late.

Mavis Ott

I think my mother was born in Cypress River. (July 1st, 1931). Not sure if she attended school, or if the family moved before she was old enough. Her father, Martin Keller, worked for the CPR, and moved around southern Manitoba from one town to another. Looks like a beautiful little town.

James Falvo

I am looking for info On william Garvie who arrived to the area and farmed approximatley 1885 to 1909 can you be of any help

Calvin Garvie

will see you in july with bob ross

Josie Sereacki

Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Candace Vanschie(Laing)

We have been gone from Cypress River for 41 years and still say it is home ,our children don’t understand . School days at Cypress the floors were always clean as most days i had to clean with an eraser, but i never did anything wrong!!!

Albert Bloomfield

Lots of good memorys. ONE not so good Bob R. getting snakes from the creek and chasing the girls all over the school yard, looking forward to seeing you.

Barb Bloomfield (Berry)

Looking forward to seeing you all in July.

Bob Ross

well i will try again to get things spelled correctly-i do hope to visit your town in a few weeks time –it sounds like a wonderful place to drop in and visit–richard barton huntingdon quebec

richard barton

i hopt visit your town this spring

richard barton

nothing like home,sure miss al our freinds that we do not get to see any more,keep up the good work ,a lot of communities could use you as an example

Herb Seaver

went home last year sure miss the old town

Dave Woods

I guess I am coming for sure to the reunion according to my brother we will be there with bells on. lol

Cindy Reykdal

Hello everyone! Get your holidays booked for July10,11,&12th, 2009. We have a great weekend planned. Check out the reunion link on this website for events. I am looking forward to seeing all my old school chums. As the Chair of the Reunion Committee, I would like to send a Big Welcome to all former students, teachers, parents and friends of the Cypress School. Registration deadline is April 1, 2009. Forms are on the Reunion link, they can be printed off and mailed to us. I went to Cypress school for Grades 1-6(no such thing as Kindergarten then.) I feel priveleged to have beenable to send my three kids to the same school. We are excited about celebrating as a family this great school. Looking forward to seeing you. Deb Young(Jonsson)

Debra Young

It has been 20 years since I have been home and I am looking forward to seeing family members,the reunion and of course Cypress. I attended the “new” school the year it was built by Gunner Peterson{Grade 7}. See you in July David,Bill and you too Aunt Dorthy.

barry young

looking forward to the 50th anniversary…within that 50 years I can’t help reflect on the fact that I and all my 3 children attended that school. Great memories!

leslee verstraete

A big thank-you goes out to all the individuals organizing the school reunion. Looking forward to seeing my fellow grade 8 classmates back in 1966-67.

Art Wiebe

I drove “through” Cypress River frequently when I went to Med school at the Uni of Manitoba in Winnipeg coming from my wife’s parents home in Belcourt, ND USA. Always thought the area was great, but recently, listening to Neil Young’s “Prairie Wind”, hearing him talk about the old family Farm in Cypress River, never realized Cypress Hill was the “founding locational home” to one of my favorite muscians. And to think I drove through and past it on HWY 2 all the time. Amazing what life gives you. So truly enjoy that priceless, unforgettable, life changing prairie wind that colorfully blows past you!

Aaron Kempenich

Hi Hometown Cypress River, MB. Looking on the web and came upon the sight. Nice to know Cypress River is on the web.

Thomas Sigurdsson

Oh the Memories…..

John Maurice Young

It’s been a long time!


This summer we crossed Canada by bicycle. We had a lovely stop at Cypress River. The wetlands are a real gem.

Mary Sanseverino

I used to go to Cypress River every special occasion for as long as I can remember, I loved visiting my Grandma, but she passed away in 2007 and I miss her dearly and miss Cypress River!

Tricia Zander (Seaver)

I try to come out there every fall hunting and always smile when i think of Cypress. My mother, now deceased grew up there and always spoke fondly of it. Her maiden name was Linda Holmes who married Ray Burley from Mariapolis. I look forward to seeing Cypress again this fall ! Regards and best wishes to you all !

Michael Burley

Congratulations to your web designer. Very nicely done site. Always enjoy visiting the area!

Jay Wiebe

Good looking site! Maybe some more photos of businesses/past events or other items of interest would be great to see. Maybe some historical photos if anyone has some to put on. Super!

Valerie Verstraete

There will always be a spot in my heart for Cypress River.

Jennifer Young-Culleton

Roberts maternal grandmother grew up there. We are looking forward to a visit in the fall time.

Robert & Tammy Wainwright

I was looking up this place because in Feb of this year, I met the nicest couple from Cypress River in the Dominican. As I am reading the entires I see that the last name is the same as Patrick’s the young man I met. He was vacationing with Jenny Steele. He is a grain farmer..and she a student. If you are related to them.. hats off.. they are 2 of the nicest kids we met ..
looking for a population count. I come from a small village of about 700 people.

Karleen Brown

Cypress is still a strong memory for me. Gladys and Tom Kenyon’s house is gone but it lives on in my memory and in a song that I wrote for him and the nature of country life. I still have a very close connection to family that also fell Cypress was home, including my father, his two sisters Carlee and Phyliss and also the connection my cousins have to the town as well. Of course, the Dregers lived there for a while. Good luck and I hope to carry a sense of who you are now with a sense of who you were when I was there often.
P.S. I was watching Corner Gas and thought that it could have been Cypress instead of Dog River!!! My Urban partner loves the show and loves the sensibility of a small town. Who knows; Any real estate lots next to a water source available out there? In the memory of Tom and Gladys,I hope all is well out there!

Clark Kenyon

I’m telling my children and anyone I see from Cypress River area about the reunion. I am really looking forward to it!

Doreen Hacault

Looking forward to the school reunion!

Theresa Hacault

Hello Cypress. It feels a little like home just entering the site. It is also apparent that things have changed when perusing the various items on the site. Best to you all.

Joan Marie Stinson

First time on the new website. Looks great!

Garrett Young

i am really looking forward to the 50th school reunion. see you then.

john morrison

Hello from Milton Ontario!!

Todd Kennedy

Guest Book: Testimonials

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